After the success of the product Pulsar DTS-i 180 cc and 200 cc, PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia (BAI) launched the latest motorcycle products XCD 125 DTS-Si by offering the latest technology that is claimed to be more efficient in fuel consumption. Launch a capacity of 125 cc motorcycles performed at the Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Tuesday (10 / 6) is expected to follow in the footsteps Pulsar, which to date has sold 15,000 units.
Brand Manager of Bajaj Auto Indonesia, Apong Arfiansyah says Bajaj XCD 125 DTS-Si tried to take the motorcycle market type of duck with trying to provide comfort to the rider who has been customary to use the motorcycle. "We try to take market share motorcycle duck species that is currently growing quite rapidly. Each month the sales reached 200,000," said Apong. To meet that target, the BAI appreciate his new product to Rp 13.5 million.
Bajaj XCD 125 DTS is the entry sport product that is intended for riders who are youthful and understand the economic value of a sport-utility vehicles. The trial of 10 units of vehicles that have been carried out for three months earlier, showed pengggunaan on fuel efficient vehicles which are classified as 65 to 75 percent for vehicle size class (125 cc).
XCD 125 DTS uses the latest technology machinery from DTS-I technology, namely digital twin spark technology induction or DTS-Si. Today, already more than 3.5 million vehicles using the digital twin spark engine, where technology gives priority to the balance of power with fuel efficiency. Technology is what allows combustion in the engine faster with movements such as turbulence combustion so that combustion be perfect.
Meanwhile, the components of DTS-Si engine is made of materials that have durability and are engineered to withstand the higher combustion pressure which caused by high turbulence and rapid combustion.
With this technology, Bajaj XCD 125 DTS-Si offers a product that has a 125 cc engine performance but fuel economy with maximum power 9.53PS at 7000 rpm and maximum torque of 10.85 Nm at 5000 rpm.
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